WaterSIM: Digitizing water resilience
Water is an essential resource to everyone on Earth. However, according to UNESCO, between 2-3 billion people worldwide experience water shortages.
These shortages will only get worse over the coming decades as the increasing number of extreme and prolonged droughts is stressing ecosystems leading to dire consequences.
Effective water resource management is no longer strategic but necessary.
Digitizing Water Resilience
Which is why the European Space Agency (ESA), the CEO Water Mandate and the Water Resilience Coalition opened a call for projects aimed at Digitizing Water Resilience and address the global water crisis in its 3 dimensions:
- Availability
- Quality
- Accessibility
This call for project resonated with CLS and its partner VorteX-io who have teamed up to provide an innovative solution.
In the framework of this project, which is fully financed by ESA, CLS and VorteX-io aim to design and develop spatial solutions dedicated to facing the current challenges facing the water cycle.
These solutions will make relevant and reliable hydro-meteorological data available that is specific to both institutional and private actors.
The organization of the project
There are 3 phases of the project:
WaterSIM, a customer-oriented service
The Water Resilience Coalition is an initiative aiming to address the global water crisis. By 2030, they hope to achieve positive water impact in over 100 water-stressed basins that support over 3 billion people.
We are working today to propose a solution that will effectively manage water resources and are currently looking for partners, who are interested in building tomorrow’s solutions for our environment.
We are ready to accompany you in your projects, and/or to build a brand-new project around this topic together.
If you wish to participate, please contact us.
A subsidiary of the French space Agency (CNES), CLS has been a global pioneer in the provision of Earth Observation and monitoring solutions since 1986. Its mission is to develop and deploy innovative solutions that enable us to understand and protect our planet and manage its resources sustainably.
CLS processes data from more than 22,000 virtual hydrological stations worldwide and, with its 30 years of experience in space hydrology, and as historic provider of the Argos satellite system and now certified Kinéis and Iridium VAR, CLS is lending its expertise to this project.
Benefitting from 15 years’ worth of experience in space altimetry & oceanography, VorteX-io provides a large-scale solution for the resilience of territories and the security of people and property, facing flood and drought risks.
More than 1,000 in-situ hydrological stations are currently deployed by VorteX-io providing water and weather parameters in real-time.
Project partners
The WaterSIM project is supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), the CEO Water Mandate, the Water Resilience Coalition and the French Space Agency (CNES).