Jason-3 will ensure supporting operational oceanography and monitoring of the sea-level trend, a key indicator of climate change.
By succeeding Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and Jason-2, Jason-3 extends the high-precision ocean altimetry data record to support climate monitoring, operational oceanography and seasonal forecasting. Jason-3 will ensure a continuation of supporting operational oceanography and the monitoring of the sea-level trend, a key indicator of climate change. This mission was determined as part of an agreement between four partners : CNES, NASA, NOAA and EUMETSAT.
CLS has been acquiring, processing, validating and qualifying altimetry data (sea surface height) since the fi rst TOPEX-POSEIDON altimetry mission. As such, the company has already exploited oceanographic satellite data from JASON-1&2, ERS-1&2, SARAL, HY-2A, ENVISAT, CRYOSAT-2. CLS is preparing to receive and process data from SENTINEL-3A, Jason-3 and SWOT satellites in the not too distant future. CLS’s expertise is recognized in major European projects : MERSEA, MY OCEAN, CLIMATE CHANGE INITIATIVE and MARINE SERVICE (COPERNICUS).
For the last 30 years, our teams of researchers and engineers have been processing altimetery data following space missions, to be used for the benefi t of international projects, such as the European programme Copernicus. CLS’s range of services provides a set of detailed data about the oceans. This data is used by international organisations for various applications: forecasting climate changes, monitoring accidental pollution, managing fi sh resources, ensuring responsible development on coasts, supporting off-shore energy-production operations, etc.