CLS, the French satellite services provider, has announced the acquisition of SIRS (Systèmes d’Information à Référence Spatiale [Information systems for space-related purposes), a French company founded in 1989, specialising in the production of geographical data from optical or aerial satellite images. CLS is a subsidiary of CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales), Ardian (the independent private investment company) and IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer).
Thanks to this acquisition, CLS – which already specialises in environmental monitoring – has further broadened its service offer and is now able to provide customers with enhanced solutions in the field of continental monitoring. Through its 25 offices and subsidiaries, CLS will consolidate its offer in Europe and develop its activity around the world with new services such as support for agriculture, regional planning, sustainable forest management, water resource management, and emergency mapping (in the event of flooding, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, etc.). With the acquisition of SIRS, CLS consolidates its position as an international provider of satellite services for the protection of the environment.

El grupo 18/09/2017